Onondaga County Legislators have voted unanimously to amend the county budget to include the spending of $470,000 on GPS bracelets for the most vicious and dangerous sex offenders. "Everything will be programmed into their bracelet, like schools, the person he offended, all those locations will be in the system" said Richard Lesniak, R-Baldwinsville, who introduced the bill.
"If he goes into one of those areas the bracelet will tell him that he is in an unauthorized area. If he continues to stay there then the probation officer will be notified."
Instead of forcing county taxpayers to bear the financial load , Lesniak said the probation department would get the funds for the GPS systems directly from a grant from the State of New York. However, the state grant would only pay for the first year of the program with no guaranteed grant funding after that.
Chairman William Meyer said the wearing of the bracelets by level 2 and 3 sex offenders would not be optional nor would it be a violation of their rights.
“ The record is pretty clear that for these sex offenders, if they are going to get out early then they have to meet certain conditions just like probation” he said.
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