Monday, November 17, 2008

Spaghetti and Politicians: A Humbling Effect?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Local politicians put party differences aside and mingled with community members today at the 59th Annual Spaghetti Supper at the Cathedral Academy of Pompeii, gaining last minute votes and unwinding after stressful campaigning on Election Day.
"After a hard fought campaign, all of the politicians just come here to relax," said County Executive Joanie Mahoney at the event on the North Side of Syracuse this afternoon.
For Mahoney the supper has great significance." The first time I came here was in 1977," she said. Her father, Bernie Mahoney, was then running for Common Council. "The event has changed very little, except for maybe the paint on the wall."

The event started by the Women's Parent Club for local politicians has now become a Syracuse tradition. Lucy Paris, chairwoman of the event, expected 2, 500 people to attend. "A lot of people want to be a part of the tradition and camaraderie," she said. Paris said the event allows for candidates to meet on neutral territory.

25th Congressional opponents Dan Maffei and Dale Sweetland met on that territory. The candidates talked and rubbed shoulders with community residents. “We see if we can gather a few last minute votes,” Republican Dale Sweetland said. The two opponents separately discussed Election night plans and shook hands.
Joanie Mahoney, who endorsed Sweetland for Congress, has rarely missed the supper in the last 30 years because of what it represents. For her, it is important because it allows politicians to be seen as real people. "It gives people a lot of opportunity to just be themselves."

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